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02 科学技术(6 / 7)


ntered the ufo on the oon


john: oh, it is one piece of the ovie transforrs 3 aybe it is the gatons


david: the fil is jt based on a fictionbut i thk ufo do exist the aliens t have visited the earth for any tis


john: i agree with you any people have witnessed the ufo any pces around the world of the are ilsions but i don&039;t thk all of the are jt unreal


david: have you heard of the crop circles?


john: yes, i&039;ve watched a tv progra about it it sees that even the scientists uldn&039;t exp the rean of that


david: people cid that they had seen ufo near these circles aybe we can unicate with the aliens directly with our technology one day



1 wonder [?w?nd?] v 感到疑惑(好奇),想知道;n 惊奇;奇迹

2 rerd [?rek?:d] n 记录,唱片;履历;v 记录,写下

3 astronaut [&039;?str?n?:t] n 宇航员

4 witness [?witnis] n 目击者;证据;v 目击;作证

5 ilsion [i&039;??n] n 幻想,错误的假象,幻觉;错误,假象


crop circle

a crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the ftteng of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, aize, or le crop circles are al referred to as crop forations, becae they are not always circur shape while the exact date crop circle began to appear is unknown, the docunted cases have substantially creased fro the 1970s to current tis approxiately ten thoand crop circles appeared the st 30 years of the 20th century nety percent of those were located uthern engnd any of the forations appeared near the historecal reas, such as stonehen aordg to one study, nearly half of all circles found the uk 2003 were located with a 15 k(93 iles)radi of avebury



